Welcome to EndocrinologyNepal

Endocrinology is a branch of internal medicine which deals with disorders related to hormonal imbalance. It includes not only diabetes and thyroid disorders but also deals with various diseases like hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction, infertility, hirsutism, gynecomastia, PCOS, pubertal disorders, obesity, short stature, tall stature, pituitary disorders, Cushing's syndrome, Pheochromocytoma, parathyroid disorders and metabolic bone diseases.

Endocrinology भनेको हर्मोन को गडबडीबाट हुने रोग सम्बन्धि क्षेत्र हो I हर्मोनको गडबडीका कारण निम्न समस्याहरु हुन सक्छन :
१. मधुमेह (Diabetes)
२. सुगर कम हुने रोग (Hypoglycemia)
३. थाईराइद रोग (Thyroid disorders)
४. महिनाबारीमा गडबड र निसन्तान (Infertility)
५. महिलाहरुको शरीरमा धेरै रौँ उम्रने (Hirsutism)
६. स्तनबाट दुध चुहिने (Galactorrhea)
७. पुरुषहरुमा स्तन बढ्ने (Gynaecomastia)
८. शरीरको उच्चाई नबढी पुड्को हुने (Short stature) वा धेरै अग्लो हुने (Tall Stature)
९. लिङ्ग वा अन्दकोश सानो हुने (Hypogonadism)
१०. यौन इच्छामा कमि आउने वा सम्भोग गर्न गार्हो हुने (Erectile Dysfunction)
११. यौबन अवस्था चांडो देखिने (Precocious puberty) वा ढिलो गरि देखिने (Delayed puberty)
१२. हड्डी बारम्बार टुट्ने , हड्डी बंगिने (Rickets), हड्डी सुन्निन्ने वा हड्डी खिइने (Osteoporosis)
१३. शरीरको मोटोपना बढ्ने(Obesity)
१४. बारम्बार मिर्गौलाको पत्थरी हुने(Kidney stones)
१५. सानो उमेरमा नै रक्तचाप बढ्ने वा रक्तचाप अचानक बढेर टाउको दुख्ने , बान्ता हुने र पसिना आउने
१६. लिङ्ग निर्धारण गर्न गार्हो हुने (Disorders of sexual development)

About Dr Ansu Mali Joshi

My photo
Kathmandu, Nepal
I am an endocrinologist, practising at Kathmandu, Nepal. I did my DM Endocrinology from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical sciences, New Delhi in 2011. DM Endocrinology is a 3 year superspecialized degree which is done after doing 3 years of MD Internal Medicine. Currently I work at KATHMANDU DIABETES & THYROID CENTER PVT LTD (01-5521969).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Endocrine disorders (for public information)

You need to install PREETI font to view this.

z/L/df xfdf]{gsf] u8a8L x'Fbf s] s] x'g;S5<
xfdf]{gsf] u8a8Lsf] sf/0fn] lgDg ;d:ofx¿ x'g ;S5g\ M
!=dw'd]x (Diabetes)
@=;'u/ sd x'g] /f]u (Hypoglycemia)
#=yfO/fO8 /f]u (Thyroid Disorders)
$=dlxgfjf/Ldf u8j8L / lgM;Gtfg (Infertility)
%=dlxnfx¿sf] z/L/df w]/} /f}+ pd|g] (Hirsutism), cg'xf/df w]/} 8l08kmf]/ cfpg] jf skfn w]/} emg]{
^=:tgaf6 b"w r'lxg] (Galactorrhea)
&=k'?ifx?df :tg a9\g] (Gynecomastia)
*=z/L/sf] prfO{ ga9L k'8\sf] x'g] jf w]/} cUnf] x'g] (Short Stature / Gigantism)
(=lnË jf c08sf]if ;fgf] x'g] (Hypogonadism)
!)=of}g OR5fdf sdL cfpg] jf ;Def]u ug{ ufx|f] x'g] (Erectile Dysfunction)
!!=of}jg cj:yf rfF8f] b]lvg] jf l9nf] u/L b]lvg] (Precocious Puberty/ Delayed Puberty)
!@=x8\8L af/Daf/ 6'6\g], x8\8L afª\lug] (Rickets), x8\8L ;'lGgg] jf x8\8L lvOg] (Osteoporosis)
!#=z/L/sf] df]6f]kgf a9\g] (Obesity)
!$=af/Daf/ d[uf}nfsf] kTy/L (Kidney Stone) x'g]
!%=;fgf] pd]/df g} /Qmrfk a9\g] jf /Qmrfk crfgs a9]/ 6fpsf] b'Vg], jfGtf x'g] / kl;gf cfpg]
!^=lnË lgwf{/0f ug{ ufx|f] x'g] (Disorders of Sexual Differentiation)


  1. Good to see this health related blog. Nice job Dr. Joshi. Keep it up. n if possible try to write in Nepali as much as possible. Good Luck.


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