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xfdf]{gsf] u8a8Lsf] sf/0fn] lgDg ;d:ofx¿ x'g ;S5g\ M
!=dw'd]x (Diabetes)
@=;'u/ sd x'g] /f]u (Hypoglycemia)
#=yfO/fO8 /f]u (Thyroid Disorders)
$=dlxgfjf/Ldf u8j8L / lgM;Gtfg (Infertility)
%=dlxnfx¿sf] z/L/df w]/} /f}+ pd|g] (Hirsutism), cg'xf/df w]/} 8l08kmf]/ cfpg] jf skfn w]/} emg]{
^=:tgaf6 b"w r'lxg] (Galactorrhea)
&=k'?ifx?df :tg a9\g] (Gynecomastia)
*=z/L/sf] prfO{ ga9L k'8\sf] x'g] jf w]/} cUnf] x'g] (Short Stature / Gigantism)
(=lnË jf c08sf]if ;fgf] x'g] (Hypogonadism)
!)=of}g OR5fdf sdL cfpg] jf ;Def]u ug{ ufx|f] x'g] (Erectile Dysfunction)
!!=of}jg cj:yf rfF8f] b]lvg] jf l9nf] u/L b]lvg] (Precocious Puberty/ Delayed Puberty)
!@=x8\8L af/Daf/ 6'6\g], x8\8L afª\lug] (Rickets), x8\8L ;'lGgg] jf x8\8L lvOg] (Osteoporosis)
!#=z/L/sf] df]6f]kgf a9\g] (Obesity)
!$=af/Daf/ d[uf}nfsf] kTy/L (Kidney Stone) x'g]
!%=;fgf] pd]/df g} /Qmrfk a9\g] jf /Qmrfk crfgs a9]/ 6fpsf] b'Vg], jfGtf x'g] / kl;gf cfpg]
!^=lnË lgwf{/0f ug{ ufx|f] x'g] (Disorders of Sexual Differentiation)
Good to see this health related blog. Nice job Dr. Joshi. Keep it up. n if possible try to write in Nepali as much as possible. Good Luck.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dr Samir. I will, surely.